Saturday, November 7, 2009


Originating from GOUR-Desh,( Bengal or Bangla) was torn length-wise in 20th century in a political 'Free-Style' wrestleing Competition.( Like JARASANDHA')
The Lardger half was declared winner and earned the name -BANGLADESH.
The other split half lost its worth and was given a hybrid name i.e West Bengal.
Since, the erosion is on and on and spreading.

Now the right half of 'Dwarf Pashchim Banga' is in in-fighting (the left part fighting the right & vice-versa) with scrates , blows , twisting and blockades and the Original hadicapped population is watching -helplesly.

The other day , an Astrologer predicted that in next half Century, Bengallees of West Bengal will not live in west Bengal but will be a scattered Race like yehudis (Jews)and after a un-desired 'Sunami' Bangladeshis will migrate to West part and finally 'It will be named VANGA DESH under the rule Of 'KATHORIAS' of Norther genes.

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