Monday, September 19, 2011


Once upon a time in ZAMBUDEEP, there was a LAND called GAUR or BANGA -DESH, within a Big country -BHARAT [INDIA is its 'slang invader-givenr-name].
The British came and ruled for 200 years ,started real politics for the sake of their gain and--- Divide and rule Policy.

BENGALIS themselves became Narrow -minded ,started in-finghting amongst themselves .
Overtime [and even before], Mulims were created out of themseves ie Hindus( about 70 percent of Bengal-muslims were hindus ; ill-treated and humiliated by Hidu-lords . ( even this names hindi, Hindustan, are IMPOSED name on them by INVADERS).

TO Cut short and come to the main theme, in 1947, this land BENGAL was divided by 'After-math' of 2nd World war development ,COMMUNAl DIVISION and ---- a Consolation- prize :-Freedom .
BENGAL was TORN -OFF longitudinally and WEST bengal --born; the Eastern Half became Bangla -Desh in 1971.
But the WESATERN HALF( some mis-spell it -'waste';thats bad! ). For nextt 60 yrs +, this Part was busy in self -destructive, suicidal habits & in the Art of Sliding Back-ward . They are , even today, suffering from Identity-crisis and can not find a SUITABLE name for 'Baptism' [even with 'Nava-ratna' , of BUDDHI-JIBI-S !!]
Finally it is named PASHCHIM-BANGA and not knowing its PURVA Part hiding :---WHERE ???

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