Thursday, July 29, 2010


"Decoits Strike Terror on Train " [BURDWAN _ CHHAPRA EXPRESS ] T.O.I ;30/07/10-Front Page Newws ; Write Your will for each travel and also by Each-journey Insurance.
Because you may not return with health or your body !

I came back to INDIA after 16 years in U.S.A, to Travel and know my land of Birth.
To day, I do not dare to be on the road( Bundhs, Strikes, Hod-ups and accidents.
Nor I dare to reserve a seat in TRAIN : ACCIDENTS, DECOITY, STRIKES ( Lightning or fortold)
I heard while in U.SA that India is taking good stride towards allroud PROGRESS.

Wish, My mine should have been "Yarrow UN-visited"

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