Monday, December 21, 2009


And an Eight-year innocent girl(Pryanka Goldar) is a victim !
The sad Picture is posted on the front page od both ANANDA BAZAR & TELEGRAPH to day(22/Dec/'09).
Planned ,opportuninistic Politics and 'In-Fighting' has dragged the present political leaders and 'Mob' down - not only to the level of 'claws and canine spirit' but are also wounding innocent people even children on their way.
I am a NRI with dual Citizenship and am here since Nov,'09 and feel ashamed to see the present level of 'Politics' on the 'land' of Rabindranath & Subhash Bose.

The very picture on the daily news papers shocked me so much that with the 'freedom of Speech' (if I have that), I would like to see these political mobs 'BANED' from all public places and roads.

Quo Vadis ! West Bengal !...and beyond , -I am speechless !

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