Monday, December 21, 2009


And an Eight-year innocent girl(Pryanka Goldar) is a victim !
The sad Picture is posted on the front page od both ANANDA BAZAR & TELEGRAPH to day(22/Dec/'09).
Planned ,opportuninistic Politics and 'In-Fighting' has dragged the present political leaders and 'Mob' down - not only to the level of 'claws and canine spirit' but are also wounding innocent people even children on their way.
I am a NRI with dual Citizenship and am here since Nov,'09 and feel ashamed to see the present level of 'Politics' on the 'land' of Rabindranath & Subhash Bose.

The very picture on the daily news papers shocked me so much that with the 'freedom of Speech' (if I have that), I would like to see these political mobs 'BANED' from all public places and roads.

Quo Vadis ! West Bengal !...and beyond , -I am speechless !


Front page of Both Ananda Bazar & TELEGRAPH to day (22/dec/09) posted the very sad and 'shocking' Picture of Pryanka Goldar, a child -only eight years old and wounded by Trinamul & parent Congress anomal-infighting !

I am an NRI with duel citizenship and feel ashamed to feel as a Bengali of the Land of Rabundranath - Subhash Bosu's Culture & Patriotism degenerating to the present state of 'animalistic -Politics' !

Quo Vadis ! Modern Bangla Politicians. If I have my freedom of speech, I would like to 'Ban, both the Parties from Public places.

Friday, December 18, 2009


মাসি গ মাসী আরকি হাসি পা চ্ছে ঠিক / দিক বিদিক শূন্য আজ /লুটছে দেশ ভুগছে দেশ/বাংলা দেশ সবখানে
যাছি কোথা ...! পাচ্ছি শেষে ডিম ঘোড়ার ডিম!
দিদি এবং দাদা মিলে / প্সশ্ছিম ্বাংলা খাচ্ছে গুলে /সব নেতারা গায় বেতালে
বন্ধ না হ লে বাস পুড়িয়ে / সারা দেশটা ডুবায় জলে !

Sunday, November 29, 2009


It is now a Repeat-show :

That was Calcutta '70-'71 . The Battle was similarly 'Trianglular'. The actors on the Stage C.P.I, Congress and C. P. M and the Age of Pipe-guns And , overtime C.P.M. pushing out CONGRESS in '76 (?).

Now it is again that triangular fight with fury of more sophisticated 'Arms' of Ak-47, Land- mines and Terrorism of darker shade. And the 'players' are - C.P.M .TRINAMUL and CPI (ML).

Result is, - 'Regress and devaluation', instead of evolving to better future . What is suffering is the people of West Bengal with "Bi-Weekly - Bandh' and rapid sliding down of of West Bengals Economy and State's normal 'Health'.

It is not the 'Tale of Two Cities " but repeat disaster of one City( now Kolkata )

Thursday, November 19, 2009

' আমরা '

"আ ম রা আরম্ভ করি , শেষ করিনা
আ ড়ম্ব্রর ক রি ,কাজ ক রি না
যা হা অনুষ্ঠান ক রি , তাহা বিশ্বাস ক রিনা
যাহা বিশ্বাস করি , তাহা পালন করিনা
ভুরি পরিমান বাক্য রচনা করিতে পারি
তিল পরিমান ত্যাগ করিতে পারিনা
আমরা অহংকার দেখাইয়া পরিত্রিপ্ত থাকি
যোগ্যতা লাভেরএ চেষটা ক রি না
সকল কাজেই পরের প্রত্যাশা করি
অথচ পরের ত্রুটি লইয়া আকাশ বিদীরন করিতে থাকি !"
--রবীনদ্রনাথ ঠাকুর

Saturday, November 7, 2009


Originating from GOUR-Desh,( Bengal or Bangla) was torn length-wise in 20th century in a political 'Free-Style' wrestleing Competition.( Like JARASANDHA')
The Lardger half was declared winner and earned the name -BANGLADESH.
The other split half lost its worth and was given a hybrid name i.e West Bengal.
Since, the erosion is on and on and spreading.

Now the right half of 'Dwarf Pashchim Banga' is in in-fighting (the left part fighting the right & vice-versa) with scrates , blows , twisting and blockades and the Original hadicapped population is watching -helplesly.

The other day , an Astrologer predicted that in next half Century, Bengallees of West Bengal will not live in west Bengal but will be a scattered Race like yehudis (Jews)and after a un-desired 'Sunami' Bangladeshis will migrate to West part and finally 'It will be named VANGA DESH under the rule Of 'KATHORIAS' of Norther genes.

Friday, November 6, 2009

WEST BENGAL : A Political Gamble-Ground

The Scenario looks like that;
Either side is more bent to disrupt normal life in the already suffering state.
Either side counts their success by the number of 'bandhs' they can hold to paralyse the routine life of ordinary and working class.
They also score and count their strngth by the number of killing of their opposite sides.
Once berfore Independence, Politics' was the outer expression of 'Patriotism' but to day,politics , mostly, is a 'group-corporate Industry' to capture power , organise nepotism and gather 'Black-Money' for 'Safe-Deposit ' in SWISS BANK.
Worst picture is ; you are never sure if you can go out without facing a 'Bandh' or Train Hold-up.
Even more uncertain is , - if one will return home ,ever, after going out for liveli-hood !
JAI ho ! pashchim Banga ( or trunkated Bengal) !

Thursday, November 5, 2009


To day ,she is named West Bengal or 'pashchim BANGA'. What a cultral improvement ,after Independence ! Whi1le for 25 yrs the golden -name BANGLA DESH was lying neglected and now the name is picked up by the Eastern part of the divided Land.

Second World-war was started 70 yrs. back and now even the defeated and divided Germany has become 'one' making the 'Fll of Berlin Wall'. And while Bangladesh had no role in the War-Ii but ,even to day 'Rabindranath's "Sonar Bangla " is Surgically divided into two deformed shapes !

And the present 'PASHCHIM-BANGA' is all 'BHANGA' with Political Ranga of in-fighting and bandhs and making the Land sliding back-ward in economy . While the helpless people are witness to the farce and drama of road-blocks and 'Bandhs' , the writing on the wall is clear and burning signalling the fate.

It looks like a Long-Playing 'Cock-fight' games of political suicidal spirit !