Friday, March 11, 2011


Friday, March 11, 2011
I Know How Shall I Cast my VOTE :

1. I won't vote any one to be in POWER but shall Vote to see a strong and
effective opposition for a real Demcracy..
2.If I find any Candidates ( irrespective of party-identity) with negetive
records/character in his life and deeds, I shall cast negetive vote ( if
allowedd ) or come out without casting my vote ( as an expression of my
3.The Candidate whom I shall vote, should put the interest of West Bengal and the
people ahead of the interest of his party.
4. Wish , there was a process in Constitutin to Re-call the un-worthy or Corrupt
Candidate with 51 % of the votes he received.

Election is not meant for piracy of the State or people but for lifting to a condition better than before.
Posted by Phani Basu at 7:13 AM 0 comments